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Personal Enrichment
A Walk Through Dunstan Cemetery
with Ron Romano

Dunstan Cemetery was established in the 1870s but has a surprising earlier history as a common burial ground. Many families moved graves from their farm-based private cemeteries into Dunstan, often bringing the original early gravestones with them. Dunstan holds a fine collection of early 1800s slate markers from our region’s first stonecutter, Bartlett Adams. Marble and sandstone obelisks, a zinc monument, a receiving tomb and paupers field combine to make for a compelling tour of Scarborough’s history. We meet at Dunstan Cemetery, US Route 1, one block south of the Historical Society in Scarborough. Register early for this popular class! Max. 20 participants.
Instructor: Ron Romano, Cemetery Historian and Author of four related books.
Location: Dunstan Cemetery, US Route 1, one block south of the Historical Society in Scarborough.
Dates & Times: Saturday, May 10th, 2025 at 2 PM - 3 PM
Cost: $12
Tour will run unless there is extreme weather.
Parking information will be shared when the walk is confirmed.